

Saini T, Srivastava D, Raut R, Mishra P, Misra A. Insulin-like Growth Factor 2 mRNA-binding protein 2 (IGF2BP2) Promotes Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Progression by Regulating AR-V7 mRNA Stability. IUBMB Life, 2024 (accepted).

Raut R, Srivastava D, Saini T, Gupta P, Chakraborty A, Choudhury C, Bais M, Mishra P, Misra A. Clinical Data Investigation Identifies MARK3 as an Oncogenic Driver in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. (under review)

Gupta A, Verma N, Misra A. Novel Case of Coexisting TCF3 and IGH Gene Rearrangement in Pediatric B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia– Favourable Response to Steroids and Standard Chemotherapy. (under review)

Muley A, Kumbhakar S, Raut R, Mathur S, Roy I, Saini T, A, Misra A & Maji S. Mononuclear Copper (II) complexes with Polypyridyl Ligands: Synthesis, Characterization, DNA Interactions/Cleavages and in vitro Cytotoxicity towards Human Cancer Cells. Dalton transactions, 2024 (accepted)

Saini T#, Gupta P#, Raut R, Nayak V, Bharathnaveen P, Mishra P, Misra A. AR-V7 Expression Facilitates Accelerated G2/M Phase Transition in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Experimental Cell Research. 2024 Apr 9;438(1):114026.

Srivastava D, Misra A*. LncRNAs in B-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: Dysregulation, Pathophysiology and Therapeutic Implications. (under review)

Srivastava D, Misra A. Computational Analysis to Elucidate Parkinson’s Disease Pathophysiology and Therapeutics. IEEE International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Communications 2024 (Published in IEEE xplore).


Kumbhakara S, Gupta P, Giri B, Karumbana KS, Muleya A, Misra A*, Maji S*. Photolability of NO in ruthenium nitrosyls with pentadentate ligand induces exceptional cytotoxicity towards VCaP, 22Rv1 and A549 cancer cells under therapeutic condition. Journal of Molecular Structure, 2022

Raut R#, Gupta P#, Saini T, Mishra P, Misra A. Src kinase: An attractive therapeutic target for prostate cancer treatment. Protein kinase Inhibitors: From Discovery to Therapeutics, 2022, 479-503.

Karumbana KS, Raut R, Gupta P, Muleya A, Giri B, Kumbhakara S, Misra A*, Maji S*. Mononuclear cobalt(II) complexes with polypyridyl ligands: synthesis, characterization, DNA interactions and in vitro cytotoxicity towards human cancer cells. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry, (2022)

Karumbana KS, Muleya A, Raut R, Gupta P, Giri B, Kumbhakara S, Misra A*, Maji S*. Mononuclear Co(II) polypyridyl complexes: synthesis, molecular structure, DNA binding/cleavage, radical scavenging, docking studies and anticancer activities. Dalton Transactions, 2022, 51, 70847099


Manohar K, Gupta RK, Gupta P, Saha D, S Gare, Sarkar R, Misra A, Giri L. FDA approved L-type channel blocker Nifedipine reduces cell death in hypoxic A549 cells through modulation of mitochondrial calcium and superoxide generation. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. Dec 2021; 177, 189-200

Muleya A, Karumbana KS, Gupta P, Kumbhakara S, Giri B, Raut R, Misra A*, Maji S*. Synthesis, structure, spectro-electrochemical aspects and anticancer activity of Ruthenium (II) arene complexes with substituted triazole ligands. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry. 2021, Dec 1; 954955,122074


B Giri, T Saini, S Kumbhakar, A Muley, A Misra*, S Maji*. Near-IR light-induced photorelease of nitric oxide (NO) on ruthenium nitrosyl complexes: formation, reactivity, and biological effects. Dalton Transactions. 2020 49 (31), 10772-10785


Misra A* and Green MR*. Fluorescence reporter-based genome-wide RNA interference screening to identify alternative splicing regulators. Methods in Molecular Biology 2017,1507:1-12

Misra A*, Green MR*. From polyadenylation to splicing: Dual role for mRNA 3 end formation factors. RNA Biology 2016, 13(3):259-64

Misra A*, Jianhong O, Zhu J, Green MR*. Global analysis of CPSF2-mediated alternative splicing: Integration of global iCLIP and transcriptome profiling data. Genomics Data. 2015 Dec 6; 217-221

Misra A, Jianhong O, Zhu J, Green MR. Global promotion of alternative internal exon usage by mRNA 3 end formation factors. Molecular Cell. 2015 Jun 4;58(5):819-31

Patra D, Srikalaivani R, Misra A, Singh DD, Selvaraj M, Vijayan M. Cloning,expression, purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray studies of a secreted lectin (Rv1419) from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2010 Dec 1;66(Pt 12):1662-5

Upadhyay SK, Misra A, Surolia N, Surolia A, Sundd M. Backbone chemical shift assignments of the acyl-acyl carrier protein intermediates of the fatty acid biosynthesis pathway of Plasmodium falciparum. Biomol NMR Assign. 2010 Apr;4(1):83-5. Epub 2010 Feb 25. Erratum in: Biomol NMR Assign. 2010 Apr;4(1):87.

Upadhyay SK#, Misra A#, Srivastava R, Surolia N, Surolia A, Sundd M. Structural Insights into the acyl-intermediates of Plasmodium falciparum fatty acid synthesis pathway; the mechanism of expansion of acyl carrier protein core. J. Biol. Chem (2009) Aug 14;284 (33):22390-400.

Misra A, Surolia N, Surolia A. Evolution of self-acylation property in acyl carrier proteins. IUBMB Life (2009) Aug;61(8):853-9.

Misra A, Surolia N, Surolia A. Catalysis and mechanism of malonyltransferase activity in type II fatty acid biosynthesis acyl carrier proteins. Molecular Biosystems (2009), 5, 651-659

Misra A, Sharma SK, Surolia N, Surolia A. Self-acylation properties of type II fatty acid biosynthesis acyl carrier proteins. Chemistry & Biology (2007), 14, 775-83.

Midha S, Mishra R, Aziz MA, Sharma M, Mishra A, Khandelwal P, Bhatnagar R. Cloning, expression, and characterization of recombinant nitric oxide synthase-like protein from Bacillus anthracis. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. (2005), 336, 346-56.

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